Cartoon Network Studios
Established in 2000, Cartoon Network Studios (CNS) is a global animation and interactive studio recognized for its innovative approaches to IP development and world-building. Fostering a creator-driven environment, CNS is home to hundreds of visual artists who have been a part of the studio’s many critically acclaimed and groundbreaking animated series, including "Adventure Time," "Ben 10," "Craig of the Creek," "Steven Universe," "The Powerpuff Girls," and "Victor and Valentino." CNS has also produced notable Adult Swim hits such as "Primal," "Samurai Jack" and "Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law." CNS has been honored with multiple awards and accolades, including the Emmy, Peabody, GLAAD and Annie Awards. Internationally, the studio also garnered the BAFTA, Italy’s prestigious Pulcinella Award and Annecy Festival’s Cristal Award. Currently, CNS houses a VR lab and produces an array of interactive formats and products for youth and young adult audiences around the world. As part of its ongoing efforts to discover unique and promising voices everywhere, the studio has a robust Global Artist Program and has numerous partnerships, including Exceptional Minds, Black Women Animate and California Institute of the Arts.