Warner Bros. Animation, part of the WB Television Group, is one of the leading producers of animation in the entertainment industry, producing and developing projects for multiple platforms, both domestically and internationally. As home to the iconic animated characters from the DC, Hanna-Barbera, MGM, and Looney Tunes libraries, WBA also produces highly successful animated films — including the DC Universe Movies — for DVD, Blu-ray and digital media. One of the most-honored animation studios in history, WBA has won six Academy Awards, 40 Emmy Awards, the George Foster Peabody Award, a BAFTA Children’s Award, an Environmental Media Award, a Parents’ Choice Award, the HUMANITAS Prize, two Prism Awards, and 21 Annie Awards (honoring excellence in animation). “Batwheels,” “Looney Tunes Cartoons” and “Teen Titans Go!” are among the many series produced by WBA.