Wife Wanted keyart

Wife Wanted

Original Theatrical Date: November 1, 1946

For her final film appearance, Kay Francis goes out with a bang—and how!—in this femme noir sensation.

Fading film queen Carole Raymond (Francis) thinks she’s going to feather her nest egg with a real-estate exit plan, only to find herself behind the eight ball in a classified lonely hearts crime ring.

Set up as the fall gal for a snuffed-out romeo, Carole is up to her white furs in illegitimate matrimony until a muckraker (Robert Shayne) gets a sniff of the seductive shenanigans. But the question remains—will the reporter be Carole’s salvation or her damnation?

Kay Francis produced with no-nonsense noir helmer Phil Karlson directing and co-starring Paul Cavanagh, Veda Ann Borg, Teala Loring and Jonathan Hale.

Genre: Suspense/ThrillerMysteryFilm Noir


