What's Up, Doc keyart

What's Up, Doc?

Original Theatrical Date: January 1, 1972

What's Up, Doc? joyously recaptures the bubbly style of 1930s screwball comedies—and firmly establishes Barbra Streisand and Ryan O'Neal as a romantic duo uniquely endearing in screen history.

Included are a daffy luggage mixup plot, dippy dialogue exchanges, a marvelous example of the art of hotel-room demolition and one of the funniest chase sequences ever, all over San Francisco.

Dexterously written with a surefooted sense of the ridiculous by Buck Henry, David Newman and Robert Benton, directed by Peter Bogdanovich with giddy affection and cast with awesomely hilarious players (including film-debuting Madeline Kahn), What's Up, Doc? is no idle question. Among comedy movies, it's the top.

Genre: Romantic ComedyComedy


