Trial & Error
This documentary-style murder mystery-comedy created by Jeff Astroff (Friends) and Matt Miller (Chuck) stars Nicholas D’Agosto as bright-eyed lawyer Josh Segal, who, with his oddball associates Dwayne Reed (Steven Boyer) and Anne Flatch (Sherri Shepherd) operates from behind a taxidermy shop in a quirky Southern town. Hungry for experience, Josh and team investigate two cases: a self-sabotaging poetry professor (John Lithgow) and the town’s beloved debutante (Kristin Chenowith), both accused of murdering their spouses. Though young Josh is up for the challenge, the town’s ambitious assistant District Attorney (Jayma Mays) will stop at nothing to make a conviction and to make herself look good. Consider the evidence and the verdict will be clear: Trial & Error: The Complete Series will be your favorite new addiction.
Genre: Comedy