The Leftovers
This enthralling drama series focuses on a suburban town of people whose preconceptions are shattered in the wake of a global event dubbed The Departure, during which, as in the rapture described in the bible, some humans were taken and others left behind.
Three years after the fateful October day when 140 million people -- two percent of the world's population -- disappeared without a trace, the denizens of the town of Mapleton struggle to comprehend and cope. Seen primarily through the eyes of beleaguered police chief Kevin Garvey, the series shows how ordinary folks react to inexplicable events that can unite or divide families and communities, revealing how the strain of an unprecedented calamity can turn people's faith into cynicism, paranoia, madness or cultlike fanaticism.
Created by Damon Lindelof, Emmy Award winner for Lost, and acclaimed novelist Tom Perrotta.