Krypto The Superdog
"Krypto the Superdog" chronicles the comedic canine adventures of Metropolis' super dog. As a puppy, Krypto was a test pilot on the planet Krypton. After Jor-El, Superman's father, launches Krypto into space, something goes wrong, and Krypto goes into suspended animation--headed straight for Earth! By the time he arrives, Krypto's a full-grown yet fun-loving dog, looking for a friend and a new family. Luckily, he meets Kevin Whitney, who is new to Metropolis and could use a pal too. Kevin's also the only human who can have a conversation with Krypto, thanks to a special intergalactic communicator that Krypto brought with him. Endowed with an awesome array of superpowers--from heat vision to superior strength to flying--Krypto partners with Kevin in a never-ending crusade to fight the evil forces that threaten the safety and well-being of both humans and animals in Metropolis. So begins the surprising story of a boy and his dog...or is it the story of a dog and his boy?
In this fantastical universe filled with a kinetic sense of wonder and playfulness, a dog can bury a bone on the moon, and a game of fetch can span the galaxy. It's a colorful cosmic world in which weird techno gadgets fall into the hands of toddlers, where growth formulas accidentally create monster caterpillars, and where selfless hounds patrol the solar system for signs of trouble from villains intent on taking over the planet!
Other crime-fighting comrades: Andrea Sussman, Kevin's know-it-all neighbor; Streaky, Andrea's smart-aleck cat who gains super powers; Ace the Bathound, Batman's canine who teams up with Krypto; The Dog Star Patrol, members of a larger organization of canines that patrols the cosmos.
In this fantastical universe filled with a kinetic sense of wonder and playfulness, a dog can bury a bone on the moon, and a game of fetch can span the galaxy. It's a colorful cosmic world in which weird techno gadgets fall into the hands of toddlers, where growth formulas accidentally create monster caterpillars, and where selfless hounds patrol the solar system for signs of trouble from villains intent on taking over the planet!
Other crime-fighting comrades: Andrea Sussman, Kevin's know-it-all neighbor; Streaky, Andrea's smart-aleck cat who gains super powers; Ace the Bathound, Batman's canine who teams up with Krypto; The Dog Star Patrol, members of a larger organization of canines that patrols the cosmos.
Genre: Action/AdventureComedyFamily