Growing Pains: Season 5
In season five of this heartwarming comedy series from the '80s, the Seaver family - with the "kids" now ranging in age from toddler to young adult - discovers the joys and heartaches that go along with each phase. Parents Jason (Alan Thicke) and Maggie (Joanna Kerns) decide they want to break their mutual contract regarding their arrangement of work versus home, but neither will admit it for fear of disappointing the other. "Brainiac" Carol (Tracey Gold) has her college plans dashed, so she takes an unexpected turn in the work force; Mike (Kirk Cameron) takes up acting classes and gets a new leading lady (guest star Chelsea Noble) and Ben (Jeremy Miller) wants to get a body piercing, leading his parents to argue over who gets the final say in disciplining the kids. And more! Guest stars this season include Hank Azaria, Carol Ann Susi, Jennie Garth, Ahmet Zappa and a young Robin Thicke.