The origin story of DC’s great Super-Villains and vigilantes explodes on the screen with Gotham: The Series. Brave, earnest and newly minted, Detective James Gordon is partnered with local police legend Harvey Bullock. After the two stumble upon the murder of billionaires Thomas and Martha Wayne, Gordon meets the sole survivor: the Waynes’ intense 12-year-old son, Bruce. Moved by the boy’s loss, Gordon vows to catch the killer. As he navigates Gotham’s corrupt criminal justice system, Gordon encounters gang boss Fish Mooney, a teenaged Selina Kyle/the future Catwoman and Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin, among many other characters on their way to becoming iconic villains. The monumental crime drama tracks Gordon’s turbulent rise through the GCPD and his unlikely friendship with Bruce – a friendship that plays a crucial role in helping the young boy become the crusader he’s destined to be.