Family Matters: Season 7
Family Matters’ blockbuster seventh season starts off with a bang as Urkel’s transformation chamber runs amok and creates the incredible shrinking Carl and Urkel. You’d think things might get easier after surviving giant fruit and monstrous house cats but then you wouldn’t know Urkel. Quicker than a “Did he do that?” the Winslow clan and company are faced with accidental nude encounters, entomologist infatuations, IRS audits; foreign jails; Urkel on diet pills (accidentally); and the return of the one-of-a-kind Southern belle, Myrtle Urkel. While Myrtle renews her quest for Eddie’s affections, she forges unique alliances with the likes of Myra and Stefan. Steve and Laura must survive their senior year, from Homecoming to Prom. Will winning Laura’s heart be Urkel’s ultimate “Did I do that?” All of this in a 24-Episode Collection.