From Warner Bros. Animation, Bunnicula is an all-new animated comedy series based on the bestselling children's book of the same name. The series follows the paranormal comedy adventures of Bunnicula the vampire rabbit who, instead of drinking blood, drains the juice of carrots and other vegetables to boost his supernatural abilities.
Upon moving to the mysterious Orlock Apartments building in New Orleans, 13-year-old Mina discovers Bunnicula locked away in a chamber way down in the basement. Mina falls instantly in love with Bunnicula, and adopts him as a pet, not knowing he has supernatural abilities. The mischievous rabbit is met with open arms by her lovable, laid-back dog, Harold, and abject fear by her paranoid cat, Chester. But Bunnicula loves Mina and will do anything to protect her from all the crazy supernatural animals and monsters he attracts.
With two 11- minute shorts per episode, Bunnicula, Chester and Harold will encounter everything from ghostly alligators squeezing through the pipes of their apartment building to sinister spider-lambs released from Bunnicula's book of supernatural bedtime stories.