Based On A Thrilling True Story, Warner Home Video Brings You “The Plot To Kill Hitler” On DVD January 6, 2009
(October 29, 2008 – Burbank, CA) – Based on the same historical events that inspired the upcoming Tom Cruise film “Valkyrie,” “The Plot to Kill Hitler” is a historical re-creation of the 1944 attempt by several German High Command Officers to assassinate Adolf Hitler and take control of the German government. Executive produced by legendary producer David Wolper (“Roots,” “The Thorn Birds”), “The Plot to Kill Hitler” stars Brad Davis (“Midnight Express”), Madolyn Smith Osborne (“The Kennedys of Massachusetts”), Ian Richardson (“Hogfather”), and Rupert Graves (“Death at a Funeral”). With a pre-order date of December 2, 2008, the DVD is priced to sell at $19.97 SRP.
Lead by Wehrmacht Colonel Count von Stauffenberg (Davis), this group of brave men managed to plant a bomb in Hitler’s battlefield headquarters. By sheer luck, Hitler survived the blast and the SS quickly arrested and executed all those involved in the affair.
“There are a great many World War II films being releases over the next few months, including Tom Cruise’s ‘Valkynie,’ Spike Lee’s ‘Miracle at St. Anna,’ ‘The Boy in the Striped Pajamas’ and Baz Luhmann’s ‘Australia.’ As a result, we expect to see increased consumer interest in DVD releases like ‘The Plot to Kill Hitler,’” said Rosemary Markson, WHV Vice President, TV and Special Interest Marketing.
With operations in 90 international territories Warner Home Video, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company, commands the largest distribution infrastructure in the global video marketplace. Warner Home Video’s film library is the largest of any studio, offering top quality new and vintage titles from the repertoires of Warner Bros. Pictures, Turner Entertainment, Castle Rock Entertainment, HBO Home Video and New Line Home Entertainment. # # #