“Star Wars: The Clone Wars” Brings Four Popular Episodes To DVD On March 24 From Warner Home Video
(January 14, 2009 – Burbank, CA) – Four of the most popular episodes from the hit animated series “STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS” will come to DVD from Warner Home Video and Lucasfilm Ltd. on Tuesday, March 24. The release of STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS “A Galaxy Divided” marks the very first time the weekly adventures from Lucasfilm Animation have been available on the format. Order due date is February 17.
The hit weekly animated series “STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS” debuted this fall on Cartoon Network. It’s the first TV series from Lucasfilm Animation that chronicles the adventures of Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Ahsoka Tano and other favorite Star Wars characters as they struggle against the dark side during the divisive, action-packed Clone Wars.
STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS “A Galaxy Divided” ($19.98, SRP) showcases four exciting episodes: “Ambush,” featuring a showdown between Jedi Master Yoda and the villainous Asajj Ventress; and the three-episode “Malevolence” story – “Rising Malevolence,” “Shadow of Malevolence” and “Destroy Malevolence.” In the “Malevolence” episodes, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano and Obi-Wan Kenobi lead a mission to find and destroy a massive warship that is under the command of General Grievous.
“As its incredibly successful run on Cartoon Network has shown, ‘STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS’ appeals to a very wide, very loyal audience that spans a wide range,” said Doug Yates, vice president of marketing, distribution and online at Lucasfilm Ltd. “Many kids and parents have told us they want to own their favorite episodes right away, which is why we are releasing this compilation as well as a second four-episode compilation this summer.”
Meanwhile, for fans eager to own the entire first season of “STAR WARS: THE
CLONE WARS,” Lucasfilm is in the midst of producing a multi-disc boxed set that is expected to debut later in 2009. Full details of the first-season DVD boxed set, which is also planned to mark the first Blu-ray appearance of the series, will be announced later this year. The collection will include substantial bonus material that is currently in production at Lucasfilm, including explorations of the behind-the-scenes creation of the hit series.
“Longtime Star Wars fans are eager for a collection that offers great depth and has detailed bonus materials,” Yates said. “We hope our DVD releases will offer something to please everyone, just as the first season of the series has done week after week.”
Amit Desai, WHV Vice President of Family, Animation & Sports Marketing, said, “We’re excited to begin offering this exhilarating TV series to its legion of loyal fans, as well as to an all-new generation who have helped make it such a success on Cartoon Network. ‘STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS’ has brought new excitement to the galaxy far, far away, with its thrilling look into untold stories, and we know fans will enjoy these action-packed adventures.”
“STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS” debuted on Cartoon Network in the U.S. on October 3. The series also airs on broadcast networks in more than 50 different countries worldwide, and is soon to debut on Cartoon Network International around the globe.
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