Holocaust Remembrance Day

Never Forget

Today much of the world pauses to remember the tragedy and horror of the Holocaust. During the days of World War II, the world witnessed the systemic mass murder of six million Jews, along with other persecuted classes singled out for their ethnicity, religious beliefs or sexual orientation.  

Today we're spotlighting the TV movie Never Forget, starring Leonard Nimoy as Holocaust survivor Mel Mermelstein. As the lone Auschwitz concentration camp survivor in his family, Mermelstein is determined to take on a revisionist history group—the Institute for Historical Review—which offers him a hefty sum to prove certain events actually took place by meeting the rules of evidence of an American criminal court. Mermelstein risks losing his job, his wife (played by Blythe Danner) and family, and maybe even his life, to keep the promise he made to his dying father to "be a witness to the world."

Gal Gadot posted a touching tribute to her grandfather this morning, another survivor of the Holocaust. To her 'saba' she wrote, "And as I think of you today, at this very moment of remembrance, which is also a call for all of us to act against discrimination of any kind. Anywhere in the world."