MTV Movie (and TV!) Awards are Coming

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That venerable institution we've all known and loved for 25 years formerly known as the MTV Movie Awards has revamped itself for 2017 with a new name, new categories and, most notably, a newly expanded ballot of nominees, which now includes both film and television. That's right, the MTV Movie Awards are now the MTV Movie & TV Awards and it's time to start voting

Exciting changes to this year's show will see talent from both television and film mediums being nominated for the same categories. Gendered nominations are a thing of the past as well. Categories are simply Best Actor in a Show or Best Comedic Performance, etc., and include all performers. 

The famous Golden Popcorn buckets will be handed out live on May 7 at 8/7c on MTV. Here's a look at the members of the WB fam who have been nominated. Congrats to all!

Pretty Little Liars

Pretty Little Liars Season  7 cast

Show of the Year

Suicide Squad

Side profile of Jared Leto as Joker in Suicide Squad

Best Villain: Jared Leto as Joker

The Ellen DeGeneres Show 

Ellen DeGeneres standing in front of white background

Best Host: Ellen DeGeneres

The Bachelor

Nick Viall  as The Bachelor: Season  21

Best Reality Competition

The Voice


We're feeling the love on Instagram Kindness Day. #TheVoice

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Best Reality Competition

The LEGO Batman Movie

LEGO Batman running forward with Justice League behind him

Best Comedic Performance: Will Arnett as Batman

The Flash

Grant Gustin as the Flash

Best Hero: Grant Gustin as The Flash


Stephen Amell as Arrow

Best Hero: Stephen Amell as Arrow

Me Before You

EMILIA CLARKE as Lou Clark and SAM CLAFLIN as Will Traynor

Tearjerker: Will tells Louisa he can’t stay with her (featuring Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin)

The Voice


Find yourself someone who looks at you the way Adam looks at Blake. #TheVoice #Shevine

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Best Duo: Adam Levin, Blake Shelton