Five Star Final keyart

Five Star Final

Original Theatrical Date: September 24, 1931

Edward G. Robinson stars as the ruthless newspaper editor who will go toany length, use any means--and destroy anyone--to get a paper-sellingheadline for the Five Star Final. Facing declining circulation, JosephRandall (Robinson--Double Indemnity) decides to dig up a 20-year-oldkilling. He sends reporter Vernon Isopod (Boris Karloff--Frankenstein,The Mummy) undercover as a clergyman to get a photograph of NancyTownsend (Frances Starr) as she prepares for her daughter's (MarianMarsh) wedding. Now a pillar of society, Townsend shot her lover twodecades ago. And when Randall publishes the current photo of Townsendwith the lurid photos and story of the shooting, Townsend commitssuicide and her daughter's fiancé's family tries to call off thewedding. But even after he destroys so many lives in his quest fornewspaper sales, will Randall feel remorse for the damage he has caused?

Genre: Drama


