Executive Action keyart

Executive Action

Original Theatrical Date: November 7, 1973

This 1973 predecessor to Oliver Stone's JFK was one of the first movies to present an alternative to the John F. Kennedy assassination from the Warren Report version of events.

Mixing narrative segments with newsreel footage, Executive Action tells the story of a group of powerful men who plot the assasination. First they must recruit and train a shooter, then frame Lee Harvey Oswald. A must-see for history buffs and conspiracy theorists, some credit this film with re-opening the debate about Kennedy's assasination.

Screen legend Burt Lancaster heads a strong cast of stars as the conspirators who object to Kennedy's foreign and domestic policies as a threat to their control of the economy. A topic of constant curiosity, even decades after the assassination, Executive Action was scripted by one of the infamous "Hollywood Ten," blacklisted writer Dalton Trumbo.

Genre: Action/Adventure


