Demolition Man
Original Theatrical Date: October 7, 1993
A Los Angeles policeman and his ruthless nemesis from 1996—sentenced to frozen incarceration as inmates—return into 2032 when they re-enter a bewildering and pacifist society.
Sandra Bullock stars as 21st Century cop Lenina Huxley who resorts to desperate measures to apprehend killer Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes), who has escaped cryoprison: she reanimates a no-holds-barred 20th Century cop named John Spartan (Sylvester Stallone) who had also been sentenced to cryoprison, known in an earlier century as the Demolition Man.
Now two men from another time bring a level of non-stop action long unseen in this future, idyllic world.
Genre: Sci-Fi/FantasyAction/Adventure