Celebrating Kids Animation
The world of animation has been intrinsically interwoven into the world of Warner Bros. for more than 85 years, starting with the legendary Looney Tunes (and its sister franchise Merrie Melodies) in 1930, and also includes the illustrious Hanna-Barbera catalog as well, but the legacy of Warner Bros. Animation has never been about resting on its laurels. Whether created with a pencil and pen or with a keyboard, the changing world of animation continues to be a major part of the WB universe with such recent animated theatrical releases as The LEGO Movie and Storks; not to mention a slew of home video releases throughout the recent years.
With that in mind, we’ve pulled together 20 animated releases from this past year that are now available on DVD and/or Blu-ray and Digital that covers a wide spectrum of past and present titles covering box office hits and new original movies from iconic characters to cult classics. And with the holiday season in full swing, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles might just find something here to add to their gift-giving shopping list for the young and the young-at-heart.