The Media Visits the Set of "Pan"

In Theaters October 9
Hugh Jackman stars as Blackbeard in what promises to be one of this summer's blockbusters, Pan.

Pan, the live-action Peter Pan feature that hits theaters October 9, held a media day on the film’s London set this past August but only today have the reports of that special event finally arrived. While the various news outlets have their own particular take on the event, one thing that they all agree upon is the sheer monumental size of the set itself. Interspersed throughout the following articles are interviews with director Joe Wright and various cast members, including Rooney Mara (as Tiger Lily), Garrett Hedlund (as Hook) and newcomer Levi Miller who tackles the title role. 

Reports from the Set

MOVIEFONE – 15 Things We Learned From the Massive Set of Pan

HITFIX – Joe Wright Gives Peter Pan a New Spin on the Set of Pan

COLLIDER – 50 Things to Know About the Peter Pan Origin Story from Our Set Visit

COLLIDER – Rooney Mara & Director Joe Wright Talk Tiger Lily Casting and More from the Set

COMINGSOON.NET – From the Set of Joe Wright’s Pan

CINEMABLEND – 7 Important Things You Need to Know About Pan

CINEMABLEND – Why a White Tiger Lily Works, According to Rooney Mara

ROTTEN TOMATOES – 8 Things to Know From the Set of Pan 

And today is also the day that this official poster for the movie has debuted to the public!